I believe it's been two years since this site has been updated. There's many reasons for this - the main being there's only one lady running this show - but I won't bore you all.
I hope to finish what I started here, or at least revamp, so as to provide English-speaking fans with a comprehensive site for all things Nena.

Here's to a good outlook!
- Nana
8/10/2012 12:42:33 pm

Thank you so much for this site. I especially like the german to english translations. If I knew the language I would submit but I only know ein bisschen. Please try and get more translations. I know it may seem odd but even though I don't know the language I really am in love with her music. She expresses such true emotion that you get what she is trying to convey without knowing the content of the text.

9/10/2017 09:06:15 am

Trying to get state of Texas to change highway SH99 to SH99. Luftballoons

Please go to change.org and under SH99 Luftballoons sign my petition. Thank you


Dave thmpson
9/10/2017 10:52:04 am

Love Nena! We in Texas are trying to get a major freeway (state highway 99) renamed SH99 Luftballoons. See link below to sign petition via Change.org

Thank you


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    This is a lot of translating for one person to do! Any help is appreciated!

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    I'm just a Nena fan hoping to help out other Nena fans.


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